silence - a trip with my dad
Silence is both good and bad, depending entirely on perspective. Sometimes silence is imposed and sometimes it is offered… sometimes it is dangerous and damaging and other times it brings comfort. Some people just talk too much to be heard. For those, here is a mantra to adopt:
“Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”
This sculpture is a head study completed during a group sculpting session held at Terry Lee Studio in Hayden, Idaho. In addition to the primary goal of working with shapes and planes, I was able to experiment with a variety of textures in an effort to find my voice and style. Dwayne is a wonderful man/model and this piece was received by him all in good fun! The scale is 75% life-size, and the casting will stand about 14” tall and extend about 8” deep and wide.
Title of sculpture: Silence - A Trip with My Dad Year: 2021
Medium: concrete on a walnut base Size: 14” tall, 8” wide, 8” deep